Stones of Khufu

Скріншот додатка:
Stones of Khufu
Докладна інформація про додатки:
Версія: 1.0
Дата завантаження: 5 Jul 18
Ліцензія: Безкоштовно
Популярність: 2288
Розмір: 94 Kb

Rating: 2.1/5 (Total Votes: 28)

In this stony puzzle you will need to help two mummies to learn about the story of their life! Two young mummies have been sleeping in their tombs for many years and then they decided to get outside the stony walls and to learn who they used to be in the past!
Help them to move the colored blocks and make groups of three and more same colored blocks so as they disappeared from the playing field. Each new level of the puzzle is another interesting story having its original plot. Having wonderful graphics and captivating game process Stones of Khufu це справжня прислів'я для тих, хто любить головоломки!



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